Sarah Routman/Through Sarah’s Eyes

Sarah Routman is an artist, published poet, photographer, author, and coloring book creator. She has a deep commitment to reduce, reuse, and recycle in her creative process. She finds beauty in overlooked places, sometimes obvious, sometimes obscure. Sarah sees the world through a lens of grateful optimism. Newly fascinated by paint-pouring, Sarah found herself mesmerized by watching the paint evolve and move and created a plethora of photographs capturing the changes as the final image emerges like a grand finale. She is happy to share her work with you here.

Collection associée

After the Storm

The blues look rain-drenched, but the storm has passed and everything sparkles. Breathe in and feel refreshed. Think of all that's possible and then go seize the day!

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Almost a Pomegranate

When 'almost' is as far as you can get, 'Almost a Pomegranate' will take you places you never imagined! Play with the bold statements of color and take a chance on yourself - you're almost there...just a little bit further!

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Balloon Man

Walking through the park, the balloon man suddenly finds himself surrounded by vibrant colors, as if the balloon popped and left behind and explosion of beauty. Let your imagination soar, as if you were a kid again, fascinated by your first balloon.

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Be Bold!

Now is a great time to step into your confidence and Be Bold! Go for it - you've got this! Turn any day into a sensation of color!

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Bubbles of Color

Vibrant colors awaken dormant feelings, creating bubbles of confidence as we allow their rich hues to guide us toward new possibilities. Be inspired and find your best self.

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Caress of Pink Rose Petals

Catch a gentle whiff of delicate pink rose petals after a misting summer shower. Inhale the fragrance deeply and let the enchantment of the dreamy hues envelop you with a sense of wonder and awe at nature's glorious gifts.

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Cave Secrets

When life becomes too much, I often imagine escaping into the depths of a dark cave where I'm certain I'll find secrets hiding in the crevices of the rocks. As this painting emerged, it took me on a journey to my imagined cavernous getaway, and I am sure I will continue to discover hidden treasures around each turn.

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Cotton Candy Sunset

There's nothing like the pastel colors of a summer sunset to lift your spirits and carry you away on the wings of possibility.

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Let the colors, shapes, textures, and mood of this art take you to the land of your dreams.

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A little bit of red, a little bit of blue. Throw in a touch of purple. Add white for negative space. Watch the colors blend - a little bit like life, how one moment blends into the next. Dapple your way through and leave your own colorful mark on the people you meet.

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Earthly Power

Feel the power of the earth and the groundedness of tuning into your own strengths.

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Embracing Pink

Hot yet feminine, embrace the boldness, love and tenderness that is all things pink.

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Everything in life is constantly emerging. The hues and tones of the liquid paint mirror life, emerging into your own personal statement of fashion.

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EnJOY Summertime at the Beach

EnJOY summertime at the beach while sporting any of these colorful beach towels.

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Soft colors create their own celebration as if the movement is preparing for a special festival with you as the guest of honor.

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Fiery Leaves of Autum

There's nothing like the warm embrace of the fiery hues of autumn leaves to warm you on a crisp fall day. Wrap yourself in these sparks of vibrant color.

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Flower Gently Opening
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Flowers in the Rain
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So many little details come together in every moment to bring us to where we stand. Inhale gratitude, and carry it with you always.

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Like magic, a tree pushes through the earth and reaches for the sky. Let the colorful hues and tones of nature surround you and fill your heart with gratitude.

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This painting was made on a discarded CD cover. Let the colors and textures take you on a magical journey into the heart. With the blues, reds, and pinks, let your imagination create stories of love.

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The color combination and movement in this piece stimulates my imagination. I truly hope that you will feel inspired when you look at it. As you select the perfect product to be created from the original design, let your imagination take flight.

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In the Garden

Savor a quiet moment in a garden ~ inhale the blending of the sweet aroma of flowers, choreographed to perfection.

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Inner Journeys

Step into this gemstone of inner journeys. Powerful yet gentle, brimming with stamina, vitality, and strength, let the colors and movement keep your emotions beautifully balanced so you can flourish in all your earthly wonder.

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Italian Marble

This splash of color reminds me of Italian marble and inspires my creative spirit, allowing me to imagine I am keeping company with some of the world's greatest artists. I created this image on a discarded CD cover using acrylic paint-pouring.

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Let your smile and the sparkle in your eyes match the colorful joy splashed on the fabric of whatever style speaks to you.

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Lava Skies

Lava skies unfurl a mysterious glow

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Layers of Blue

Blue is trustworthy, loyal, confident, and wise. A crystal blue sky or a dazzling blue ocean, blue invites us to explore wide open spaces. Let the rich blue layers stimulate your imagination, inspire you in new ways, yet hold you gently in an embrace of stability and faith.

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Layers of Blushing Coral

The soft layers of pink and coral embrace you like an innocent blush of tenderness.

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Lonely Tree

A single tree stands tall in an expansive landscape. Fearing nothing, she digs her roots down into the earth, stretching her delicate branches up toward the sky, allowing her limbs to play with a passing breeze. She knows she will not be lonely for long.

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Love Ever-Flowing

Love is ever-flowing, reflecting in the water as it grows and flourishes. In the depths of the shadows lie the secrets that keep love bubbling with passion and truth.

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Magic of Midnight Clouds
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Making Tracks

Leave your mark, make a statement. Sometimes subtle, sometimes bold. Express yourself in the moment.

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Making Tracks in the Fashion World - For Men & Women

Something for everyone, these color palates reflect a rustic, back-to-nature basic look. Inspired by my dedication to reuse, recycle, and reimagine, these designs make a bold statement - step into your own version of bold and be seen for who you are.

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Metaphor for Something

Everything is a metaphor for something. Let yourself explore the possibilities.

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Mint Julep

Like the faint fragrance of mint - delicate, enticing, refreshing and suggesting a certain elegance one might find in the company of a silver goblet, this piece is steeped in story and suggestion.

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Molting into Purple

When a snake molts, it sheds its skin not a little at a time, but all at once. Steop into this design and own your new look.

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Mother Earth

The beauty of nature surrounds us and grounds us. Wrap yourself in it.

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My Heart is Melting

Love is anything but black and white. With the metallic heart, I suggest the excitement love can offer, but with the movement and the flow of colors, I recognize the ever-changing nature of love - always glistening with possibilities.

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Nascent Waves

On a clear summer day, there's nothing better than walking along a sandy shore, clear blue sky above, and rich blue tones rippling as the waves crash against the shore. It's the swirling colors and movement of a new wave beginning that I see in this piece. I hope as you wear it, you will feel the sun on your back and the waves bubbling up on your toes, a sense of calming energy enveloping you.

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New York Trees
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NIght Swirls

On a clear night, stars and magic swirl around, taking us on a journey of mystery and intrigue.

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Picasso's Cousin

What if Picasso were your first cousin? Think of the fun you'd have if he were designing clothes for you. Try this on for size and see if you can find the Picasso-esque playfulness as you wear it in style!

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Pomp & Circumstance

A touch of pomp and circumstance brings a curious smile to the faces that look on with wonder.

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Pumpkin Magic
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Putting Down Roots
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Reaching for the Sky
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Ready to Flower

Ahh . . . the gentle softness of a flower ready to bloom. Look closely, and you can find yourself ready to burst forth and take the world quietly by storm.

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Inspiration emerges from two resting leaves, hints of red peeking through the yellow, as the two remain separate, yet begin to melt together on the forest floor.

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Rose Petals

There's nothing quite like the aroma of sweet rose petals caressing you - feel it.

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Rustic Walk

Back to the simple wanderings on a rustic trail, relax, unwind, and let yourself be in the moment.

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Sea Cells

When 'she sells sea shells' gets jumbled, it becomes all about Sea Cells and delving into the depths of the sea, its colorful hues, patterns, and mysteries.

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Secrets Hiding Under a Microscope

Incredible beauty can be found in the secrets revealed under a microscope. Don't hide your beauty - let it shine as you step boldly into your own style.

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Secrets of the Universe

All the secrets of the universe can be found in a single drop of water. Imagine being able to travel into each crevice, following the flow and swirl of color that is just at the tip of our understanding.

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Soaring Higher
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There's nothing like a burst of sunshine to uplift your day. Immerse yourself in th e colorful hues and carry their energy with you through the day.

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Celebrate the unique, rich, reddish-orange hues that align in a pattern that reflects a dynamic diversity of style.

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Throwback to Retro in Firetruck Red and Mint Green

Inspired by Creatopia Magazine's Summer 2022 edition, the two designs in this collection began with an acrylic paint pour. I was further influenced by a Retro wallpaper design and decided to add the painting digitally to create a cool vibe with a throwback feel. Take it easy and live a little with this collection as you think back to days gone by, but step into today with confidence and fun.

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Tree Growing
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Upside Down
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Water Changes Everything

I once found the secrets of the entire universe in a single drop of water. I love watching the way everything changes as it dances on the rippling waves of water, even in a small lake or quiet brook. On a cold November day, bundled up for a quick walk, I found the play of light skipping over the water arresting. I had no choice but to spend the next hour photographing, witnessing, and joining in the merriment. Water constantly moves and changes, just like we do. Be sure to stop and enjoy the process - find the beauty before you move on.

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Whimsical Moments

Try on a whimsical sprinkling of color to add a bit of playfulness to your day. The colors are each on their own path. Go forward with enthusiasm and whimsy - in whatever direction pleases you.

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Wild Tarnish

I love the earth tones in this piece. I am reminded of the beauty of things as they begin to evolve, change, and break down - like when things begin to rust. The tarnish gives character and reveals things previously overlooked, sometimes pointing out flaws and other times highlighting the hidden gems underneath. It's all in how you look at - the possibilities can take you on a wild ride!

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Windy Day

Adopt a playful attitude that a windy day inspires. Let your inhibitions go and savor the moments as you throw caution to the wind.

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Youthful Optimism

Bright colors of playfulness explode with youthful optimism - catch the vibe.

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