Jimi Bush (Jennifer Grayce,) also known as The Celestial Painter has emerged from the vast unknown to become one of the 21st century's most prolific and colorful transgender artists. Beginning her art career over a decade ago in March of 2008, a life changing experience has helped The Celestial Painter to now create thousands of pieces of sheer beauty over the last 15+ years.

From her first artwork, Sorting out Our Differences, to new pieces like Steampunk Teddy, the ever evolving style of The Celestial Painter has touched the lives of many. Since her first public showing at the prestigious Holiday Inn Palms in historic downtown Ft. Myers The Celestial Painter has provided collectors on all seven continents with colorful decorative bliss created under deep contemplative thought. Antarctica was the final frontier to conquer as a post card was sent in late 2014.

My biggest hero is my son, Austin.

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