For me, all of nature is art. What is a linden leaf in autumn if not Nature’s painting? Unlikely colors combine perfectly in composition and symmetrical design! I am drawn to texture, color and form – especially details created by texture. I often see details before I see the ‘whole’, and I find it totally engrossing to get lost painting them. Watercolors are a natural medium for me. They allow me enormous range: for example, to create delicate, transparent flowers as well as to change textured, hard rock surfaces into softer more accessible, more feminine form. With my recent work using yupo synthetic paper, the process of ‘chasing’ and ‘taming’ the paint, coaxing it toward more predictability, feels magical. I allow the painting to ‘speak to me’. This is a process of discovery in which the painting and I are interactive partners, continually creating images and meaning together. This approach has enabled me to work more freely and abstractly. There is an immediacy and spontaneity which I hope the viewer can sense in my work.

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