RAC/ Abstract Designs

Rosalie Cuticchia is an American Contemporary Artist. She was a founding member and owner of Bridge Gallery and Ferry Wharf Gallery, both located in Newburyport, MA. Her early training with the late Italian Oil Painter Enrico Donati laid the foundation for a decade long evolution from representational to the abstract style. Her paintings are process-driven and develop organically in-studio. They share dynamic, surreal and often lyrical qualities. Her goal is to step away from intention and create intuitive, reflective work. ‘My work is a reflection of my personal truths, although I often fail to see or understand it myself. My paintings say different things to different viewers, which is really the fun of it.’ Rosalie Cuticchia Rosalie is an inducted artist into the National Association of Women Artists (thenawa.org) and currently serves on their Massachusetts Board. She has shown in six solo exhibits, and she regularly exhibits in local and national juried shows. She was a wearable art designer for the Boston Rubbish to Runway ReFashion Show to benefit sustainable building of schools, and she seeks out opportunities to marry her art with important and worthy causes. www.rosaliecuticchia.com @racabstract studio8gallery.com

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