Hollyana Melear creates unique, iconic art that speaks to the heart and soul in a variety of mediums, including acrylics, pastels and ceramics. Hollyana’s surrealistic style, blended with ancient and modern symbolism, has appealed to audiences for commission works, solo, and group exhibitions. She has shown her work at numerous venues including the Texas State Capitol, Austin City Hall, and the Julia C. Buttridge gallery, and numerous shows outside of Austin. Her series have included serious commentaries on political topics, modern iconic imagery, and whimsical illustrative works. Hollyana received her Master’s Degree with a focus on Ancient Near Eastern art forms and the netherworld texts and finalized her thesis in Cairo studying at the Egyptian Museum. By using art as a universal language and as a vehicle to blend culture and thought, Hollyana creates a dialogue about the connection of humanity across the globe. Her focus of transforming the ancient into modern is in support of art as a universal language. Hollyana’s current focus is her series The Great Divide, stressing the political landscape in the United States, including issues on the #METOO movement, class division, and immigration policy on the border of Mexico.

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